
1. 呀呀學語期/主角英語程度:破

n. person who has just started learning to do something

“What is grammar? Grammar is the study of the mechanics and dynamics of language,” Mrs Margaret says in the classroom.

I not understanding what she saying. Mrs Margaret have a neatly cut pale blonde hair, with very serious clothes. Top and her bottom always same colour. She not telling her age, but I guessing she from 31 to 56. She wearing womans style shoes, high heel black leather, very possible her shoes are all made in home town Wen Zhou, by my parents. She should know it, one day I tell her. So she not so proud in front of us.

Chinese, we not having grammar. We saying things simple way. No verb-change usage, no tense differences, no gender changes. We bosses of our language. But, English language is boss of English user.

Mrs Margaret teaching us about nouns. I discovering English is very scientific. She saying nouns have two types – countable and uncountable.

“You can say a car, but not a rice,” she says. But to me, cars are really uncountable in the street, and we can count the rice if we pay great attention to a rice bowl.

2. 摸索期/主角英語程度:尚可

n. the state of being alone or undisturbed; freedom from interference or public attention

“You’ve invaded my privacy! You can’t do that!” First time, you shout to me, like a lion.

“What privacy? But we living together! No privacy if we are lovers!”
“Of course there is! Everybody has privacy!”

But why people need privacy? Why privacy is important? In China, every family live together, grandparents, parents, daughter, son, and their relatives too. Eat together and share everything, talk about everything. Privacy make people lonely. Privacy make family fallen apart.

When I arguing about privacy, you just listen and not say anything. I know you disagree me, and you not want live inside of my life, because you a ‘private’ person. A private person doesn’t share life.

“When I read your past, when I read those letters you wrote, I think you are drifter.”

3. 熱戀期:主角英語程度:流暢

possess v. have as one’s property;
of a feeling, belief, etc
have complete control of, dominate

You tell me my love to you is like a possession. But how could I possess you when your world is so big? Maybe it ot about possession, it more about me trying to fit into your life. I am living in your life. I am living inside of your body, trying to understand every single movement from your command. Every night I inhale and outhale your breath. The smells from your hair and your skin cover my hair and my skin. I know nobody in my life is as close as you.

I just hope night carry on like this, go on for ever. Hope our bodies can be always close like this, and our souls always can be side by side. I don’t want the sun comes, the day comes. I know the light of day takes you away from me. Then you live in your own world, the world that has a big gap between us.


1. 【初學者】
















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