目前分類:Lyrics / music (7)

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So I write
about the world
and only rarely come close
to saying this
so we can share this
it’s just black marks
on white paper
and me
wanting another blank page
and yet another

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從朋友那兒知道Sigur Rós這個樂團,後來才發現原來自己曾聽過他們的音樂,只是當時聽不懂其中的語言,所以讓耳朵略過了音樂,更不記得團名。

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多年前曾在誠品買過一張ECM代理的CD,那時候自覺是個文藝女青年,應該聽些不一樣的音樂。在完全不認識歌手曲風的情況下,瞎子摸象挑了Sidsel EndresenSo I Write (1990),結果下場淒慘,CD立刻被我打入冷宮,我不但成了狼狽不堪的文藝女青年,還浪費銀兩,為此心疼不已。老實說,當時我連Sidsel Endresen是挪威的前衛爵士女歌手都不知道,也不知道她的歌聲會發出相當戲劇化的音符與節奏,音樂聽上去不符合慣常的節奏,簡直像是刺耳的噪音。奇怪的是,幾年下來,音樂與耳朵起了某種化學變化,聽出Sidsel Endresen的歌聲搭配著詩意濃厚的歌詞,冷冷地打心底唱出。底下這首歌出自Shadows in the Rain同名專輯,專輯副標題The Sting Project

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不再流浪了, 我不願做空間的歌者
然而, 我又是宇宙的遊子

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  • Jun 06 Fri 2008 05:55
  • If

If a picture paints a thousand words,
Then why can't I paint you?
The words will never show the you I've come to know.
If a face could launch a thousand ships,
Then where am I to go?
There's no one home but you,
You're all that's left me too.
And when my love for life is running dry,
You come and pour yourself on me.

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by Joni Mitchell
Yesterday a child came out to wonder
Caught a dragonfly inside a jar
Fearful when the sky was full of thunder
And tearful at the falling of a star

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