更接近某種Psychopath fiction,
派翠西亞‧海史密斯(1921-1995):美國德州人,晚年定居瑞士,後因罹患白血病(leukemia),病逝瑞士。我最初對她的印象緣自〈天才雷普利〉這部電影,電影根據同名原著小說(The Talented Mr. Ripley, 1955)改編。這本小說是雷普利系列的其中一部,另外四部皆以Tom Ripley作為書中主角的作品分別是:Ripley Under Ground(1970)、Ripley's Game(1974)、The Boy Who Followed Ripley(1980)、Ripley Under Water(1991)。海史密斯的作品有多部改拍成電影或是電視劇,英國導演阿弗列德‧希區考克所執導的電影〈火車怪客〉(Strangers on a Train, 1951)便是根據海史密斯的原著所改編。
《鹽的代價》(木馬,2007) 李延輝 譯
不過這本《鹽的代價》(The Price of Salt)並非海史密斯的代表作品,由於內容涉及同性相戀議題,在當時民風保守的社會風氣裡,她選擇以筆名(Claire Morgan)發表。海史密斯終其一生沒有踏進婚姻,但與她過從甚密的人有男有女,再加上她選擇過著獨居的生活,因此她的性傾向與感情生活不免令人感到好奇。
海史密斯的作品通常被冠上犯罪、推理、懸疑或是驚悚小說,她著重對犯罪當事者的心理描寫,抽絲剝繭探究人物之所以犯案的原因,在對與錯、是與非的二元價值體系中,其實存有一個灰白的模糊地帶。我在好奇心驅使下,到Amazon去搜尋她的相關作品,發現Deep water 這本小說一開頭就非常吸引人,讀完短短幾頁試閱竟會讓我很想繼續往下看,她的小說的確有一股「魔」力,自己忍不住就譯起小說來咧。
《火車怪客》葉淑燕譯 (遠流,1998)[民87]
《火車怪客》劉道捷譯 (好時年,1981)[民70]
16. Ripley's Game (1974)
《雷普利遊戲》李淑珺譯 (時報,2003) [民92]
17. Edith's Diary (1977)
《雷普利遊戲》李淑珺譯 (時報,2003) [民92]
17. Edith's Diary (1977)
18. The Boy Who Followed Ripley (1980)
... aka Alfred Hitchcock's Strangers on a Train (USA: complete title)
1. Eleven (1970), also published as The Snail-Watcher and Other Stories
2. Variations on a Game (1973)
3. Little Tales of Misogyny (1974)
4. The Animal Lover's Book of Beastly Murder (1975)
5. Slowly, Slowly in the Wind (1979)
6. The Black House (1981)
7. Mermaids on the Golf Course (1985)
8. Tales of Natural and Unnatural Catastrophes (1987)
1. Nothing That Meets the Eye: The Uncollected Stories (2002)
2. Man's Best Friend and Other Stories (2004)
1. 1946 : O. Henry Award for best publication of first story, for "The Heroine" in Harper's Bazaar
2. 1951 : Edgar Award nominee for best first novel, for Strangers on a Train
3. 1956 : Edgar Award nominee for best novel, for The Talented Mr. Ripley
4. 1957 : Grand Prix de Littérature Policière, for The Talented Mr. Ripley
5. 1963 : Edgar Award nominee for best short story, for "The Terrapin"
6. 1964 : Silver Dagger Award from the Crime Writers' Association of Great Britain
7. 1975 : Grand Prix de l'Humour Noir for L'Amateur d'escargot
1.Cry of the Owl (2009) (novel)
2.15! (2007) (TV) (extracts)
4. Found in the Street (2004) (novel)
5. Ripley's Game (2002) (novel)
... aka Gioco di Ripley, Il (Italy)
... aka Gioco di Ripley, Il (Italy)
6.The Talented Mr. Ripley (1999) (novel)
... aka The Mysterious Yearning Secretive Sad Lonely Troubled Confused Loving Musical Gifted Intelligent Beautiful Tender Sensitive Haunted Passionate Talented Mr. Ripley (USA: complete title)
台灣譯名:〈天才雷普利〉,導演為安東尼.明吉拉(Anthony Minghella),由麥特‧戴蒙飾演雷普利一角。
... aka The Mysterious Yearning Secretive Sad Lonely Troubled Confused Loving Musical Gifted Intelligent Beautiful Tender Sensitive Haunted Passionate Talented Mr. Ripley (USA: complete title)
台灣譯名:〈天才雷普利〉,導演為安東尼.明吉拉(Anthony Minghella),由麥特‧戴蒙飾演雷普利一角。
7. Once You Meet a Stranger (1996) (TV) (novel "Strangers on a Train")
9. Trip nach Tunis (1993) (novel "The Tremor of Forgery")
10. "Cadavres exquis de Patricia Highsmith, Les" (1 episode, 1990)
... aka Cadavres exquis (France: short title)
... aka Patricia Highsmith's Tales (International: English title: complete title)
- L'amateur de frissons (1990) TV episode (novel)
10. "Cadavres exquis de Patricia Highsmith, Les" (1 episode, 1990)
... aka Cadavres exquis (France: short title)
... aka Patricia Highsmith's Tales (International: English title: complete title)
- L'amateur de frissons (1990) TV episode (novel)
12. "Chillers" (1 episode, 1990)
... aka Mistress of Suspense (UK)
- Sauce for the Goose (1990) TV episode (short story)
... aka Mistress of Suspense (UK)
- Sauce for the Goose (1990) TV episode (short story)
14.Geschichtenerzähler, Der (1989) (novel "The Story Teller")
... aka The Story Teller (International: English title)
... aka The Story Teller (International: English title)
16. Schrei der Eule, Der (1987) (TV) (novel "The Cry of the Owl")
17. Zwei Gesichter des Januar, Die (1986) (novel)
... aka The Two Faces of January (Europe: English title: informal title)
... aka The Two Faces of January (Europe: English title: informal title)
18. "Tales of the Unexpected" (1 episode, 1984)
... aka Roald Dahl's Tales of the Unexpected
- Sauce for the Goose (1984) TV episode (story)
... aka Roald Dahl's Tales of the Unexpected
- Sauce for the Goose (1984) TV episode (story)
19. Ediths Tagebuch (1983) (novel)
... aka Edith's Diary
... aka Edith's Diary
21. "The South Bank Show" (1 episode, 1982)
- Patricia Highsmith: A Gift for Murder (1982) TV episode (writer)
- Patricia Highsmith: A Gift for Murder (1982) TV episode (writer)
23.Gläserne Zelle, Die (1978) (novel)
... aka The Glass Cell
... aka The Glass Cell
24. Dites-lui que je l'aime (1977) (novel based on "This Sweet Sickness", french title "Ce mal étrange"')
... aka This Sweet Sickness (USA)
... aka This Sweet Sickness (USA)
25. Amerikanische Freund, Der (1977) (novel "Ripley's Game")
... aka Ami américain, L' (France)
... aka The American Friend (USA)
... aka Ami américain, L' (France)
... aka The American Friend (USA)
26.Once You Kiss a Stranger... (1969) (uncredited) (novel "Strangers on a Train")
28. Meurtrier, Le (1963) (novel "The Blunderer")
... aka Enough Rope (UK) (USA)
... aka Im Schatten einer Nacht
... aka Mörder, Der (West Germany)
... aka Omicida, L' (Italy)
... aka Schatten der Laura S., Der (West Germany)
... aka Enough Rope (UK) (USA)
... aka Im Schatten einer Nacht
... aka Mörder, Der (West Germany)
... aka Omicida, L' (Italy)
... aka Schatten der Laura S., Der (West Germany)
29. "The Alfred Hitchcock Hour" (1 episode, 1962)
- Annabel (1962) TV episode (novel)
- Annabel (1962) TV episode (novel)
31."77 Sunset Strip" (1 episode, 1958)
- One False Step (1958) TV episode (novel)
- One False Step (1958) TV episode (novel)
32. "Jane Wyman Presents The Fireside Theatre" (1 episode, 1957)
... aka Jane Wyman Presents (USA: rerun title)
... aka Jane Wyman Theater (USA)
- The Perfect Alibi (1957) TV episode (story)
... aka Jane Wyman Presents (USA: rerun title)
... aka Jane Wyman Theater (USA)
- The Perfect Alibi (1957) TV episode (story)
33. "Studio One" (1 episode, 1956)
... aka Studio One Summer Theatre (USA: summer title)
... aka Studio One in Hollywood (USA: new title)
... aka Summer Theatre (USA: summer title)
... aka Westinghouse Studio One (USA)
... aka Westinghouse Summer Theatre (USA: summer title)
- The Talented Mr. Ripley (1956) TV episode (writer)
34.Strangers on a Train (1951) (novel) ... aka Studio One Summer Theatre (USA: summer title)
... aka Studio One in Hollywood (USA: new title)
... aka Summer Theatre (USA: summer title)
... aka Westinghouse Studio One (USA)
... aka Westinghouse Summer Theatre (USA: summer title)
- The Talented Mr. Ripley (1956) TV episode (writer)
... aka Alfred Hitchcock's Strangers on a Train (USA: complete title)