
(Sara walks through the hallway. Her arm is in a sling. She walks past the
Print Lab. Mandy looks up from her worktable and watches her go.) 
(Sara continues through the hallway.) 
(She walks past the Trace Lab. Hodges looks up from his work and watches her

CONRAD ECKLIE: (to Sara) Have a seat.
CONRAD ECKLIE: (to Sara) How's the arm?
SARA: Fractured in two places.
CONRAD ECKLIE: It's feeling better?
SARA: Yeah.
CONRAD ECKLIE: So, you must know where he is.
SARA: Actually, I don't.
CONRAD ECKLIE: Okay ... um ... Look, I don't want to play any games here. This
is as difficult for me as it is for you.
CONRAD ECKLIE: So let's just ... uh ... get this over with, shall we? 
CONRAD ECKLIE: Okay then ... uh ... this is an administrative inquiry. You and
your supervisor were in direct violation of lab policy ...
SARA: (corrects) "Are."
CONRAD ECKLIE: "Are" in direct violation of lab policy, which states that
members of the same forensic team may not engage in a romantic relationship. So
when did you and Supervisor Grissom begin your relationship?
SARA: We've always had a relationship.
CONRAD ECKLIE: I mean, when did you become intimate?
SARA: Two years ago. I think it was a Sunday.
(A round object comes into view. It rolls and turns as it bounces off the
pavement and continues down the road.) 
(The round object bounces along the pavement, leaving dark, circular splotches
on the road.)
(A truck heads its way and it hits the bouncing object.) 
(Like a basketball, the bouncing object bounces against the truck and the
pavement until the truck passes over it.) 
 (The object bounces off the pavement and onto the dirt, where it rolls to a STOP
right in front of one of the men.) 
(He looks and sees that it a HEAD in a football HELMET.) 
(Grissom leans forward and looks at the head closely. Yep, it’s a head. The
helmet is for the SVHS cobras.) 
DET. EZEKIEL HOLSTEIN: (o.s.) SagebrushValleyHigh School.
(Detective Ezekiel Holstein and Nick look closely at the head in the helmet.) 
NICK: He looks like he could still be in high school. Boy, football's gotten a
lot more brutal since my playing days.
EZEKIEL HOLSTEIN: Yeah, where's the rest of him, still on the field?
(Nick looks down the long stretch of highway before them.) 
NICK: There's no high school football fields around here anyway. What do you
think, Grissom?
(Grissom studies the head.) 
GRISSOM: "Ichabod was horror-struck on perceiving that he was headless."
[Note: he Legend of Sleepy Hollow,?by Washington Irving]
(Nick grins and looks at Holstein.) 
NICK: Blood pool tells me the helmet must've been here for a while.
(Grissom looks at the stain.) 
GRISSOM: Vehicle tire rolled through it. Helmet has black abrasions on it
consistent with being hit by a tire.
NICK: Probably got pinballed down the road.
(Greg joins them.) 
GREG: I checked with Traffic. No reports of any traffic accidents near here. 
Uh, Holstein's getting an absentee list from the high school.
(Nick nods.) 
GRISSOM: Head's over there. Blood trail leads up from here. We follow the
(Grissom starts walking.) 
(Greg walks up to Nick.) 
GREG: (low whisper) He say anything about what's happening with Sara?
NICK: (shakes his head) No.
(They turn and follow Grissom down the road.) 
(Nick stops, puts an evidence marker down on the road. Greg raises the camera
and takes a photo.) 
NICK: (to Greg) Hey, did Sara ever say anything to you about her and Grissom?
GREG: Not in so many words.
NICK: So you knew about the two of them?
GREG: (shrugs) Yeah.
(Greg continues down the road. Nick spreads his arms wide.) 
(Meanwhile, Grissom finds more bloodstains on the road.  This one veers off to
the side. He follows the fluid trail in the dirt. He heads for the bushes and
finds a body without a head.) 
(Nick and Greg appear.) 
(Nick takes his glasses off and sighs from the smell.)
NICK: Where's the uniform? (He kneels next to the body.) If he's not a
player, what's with the helmet?
(They note that the left hand is missing.) 
GREG: Maybe he's a rabid fan. There were all kinds of high school games last
GRISSOM: Where's his hand?
NICK: (o.s.) Got to be around here somewhere.
 (The place is quiet as people speak in hushed tones. Techs snap photos and
officers take statements. An officer talks with two women.) 
(Warrick and Catherine leave the main room and turn into the dining area.) 
BRASS: It's the end of an era, ladies and gentlemen. Hampton Huxley, publisher
of Hux magazine -- where boys became men, and men became more manly -- has died. 
DAVID PHILLIPS: Every male in the Phillips family gets a lifetime subscription
to Hux for his Bar Mitzvah. 
CATHERINE: What are we looking at?
DAVID PHILLIPS: Puncture wound. Um ... no abrasion ring. But I can re-
approximate the skin.
CATHERINE: So it's probably not a gunshot. (David nods.) Stabbing?
DAVID PHILLIPS: Maybe. Right through the temple, into the brain. Be lights
out in seconds.
WARRICK: It's a crowded restaurant. Somebody must have seen something.
BRASS: Not exactly.   Welcome to the latest fad. Dining in the dark.
(Brass holds up the remote. He presses the button and the lights go out. The
shades on the windows lower.) 
BRASS: Waiters are blind. No one sees anything. Piece of cake, huh?
(The blinds close. Everyone is in the dark.) 
(They hear the soft sounds of footfalls as someone leaves.)
CATHERINE: (v.o.) Did he just leave?
WARRICK: (v.o.) I think so.
DAVID PHILLIPS: (v.o.) Guys? I-I have a dead body here.

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